Reprocessing - Confession 94
2024.01.23 22:13:53It happens frequently enough that a conversation in some online chatroom veers over to the question of privacy in the modern world, and especially to the willingness people have to share oodles of their often very personal information with complete strangers online. I certainly appreciate and understand the fears of oversharing, after all there are a lot of very dangerous people out there that, if they decide to do so, can absolutely hugely impact if not ruin your life entirely. Despite this, I somehow can't help myself.
The State of MacOS Support
2023.11.27 14:04:32I've been writing libraries for Common Lisp for over a decade now (lord almighty), and for most of that time I've tried to ensure that the libraries would, in the very least, work on all three major operating systems: Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
I've opened up a Patreon - Confession 93
2023.08.25 12:45:54I've been debating opening up a Patreon for many years and I've always been hesitant about accepting donations from people, but I think it's finally time to change my mind on that!
Selbstsamkeit - Confession 92
2023.08.08 21:11:52If you've read any of my preceding entries I would expect it to come as no surprise to you to see me write "accepting who you are is really difficult." Though today I want to write about a few different facets of that than just the one you may be thinking about right now.
Die Toteninsel - Confession 91
2023.07.22 08:59:01I don't like sleeping. I like the idea of sleep, but the practise of it seems all too often fraught with issues for me. I do consider myself fortunate that I don't suffer from any major sleeping disabilities like insomnia, but my quality of sleep is nevertheless far from ideal, despite adhering to a rather strict and regular sleeping schedule.
A status update on Kandria, Shirakumo, and me
2023.06.13 15:23:27Hello everyone. It's been a while since the last update. I apologise for the silence, things have slipped out of habit a little bit, and besides there's just been a lot of work on things that aren't easy to talk about. I'm still stuck in the R&D phase for the next game, and probably will continue to be there for a few more months before I can properly enter pre-production.
2023.04.12 12:55:57Kandriaの日本語アップデートはリリースです!
次は…何? - April Kandria Update
2023.04.03 10:48:00Another month gone by. There's no major updates this month, since we just had the level editor release last month. However, there is a somewhat major update coming out next week!
Level Editor Update is Live!
2023.03.08 13:47:42The first major update for Kandria is now live on all platforms! It includes the level editor, a modding system, some new sample levels, and bugfixes!
Next Kandria Update on March 8th!
2023.03.01 13:56:17Let's get the important news out of the way: the next major update for Kandria will launch on Wednesday, March 8th, at 15:00 CET. The update will include a number of improvements, new features, more content, and a community event!
Building the Future - February Kandria Update
2023.02.07 12:35:49It's already been a month since Kandria released! Woah, time sure flies these days, huh?
Kandria is now out!
2023.01.11 14:02:43Kandria is now finally available for purchase and play!
Kandria launches tomorrow!
2023.01.10 13:08:18Kandria launches tomorrow, on Wednesday the 11th, at 15:00 CET / 9:00 EST!
Kandria releases in one week on January 11!
2023.01.04 13:30:21In case you missed the yearly update last week: Kandria will release in one week from today, on January 11th, 15:00 CET / 09:00 EST. I hope you're as excited to play it as we are to finally get it into your hands!
2022 for Kandria in Review
2022.12.30 21:14:23It's that time of the year again! The end of it. And what a year it's been for Kandria. We're now less than two weeks away from the release. Yikes! Or should I say, woah! Well, let's take a moment and look at some of all of the things that happened, before we look at what the future may possibly hold in store for us. At least, if I have anything to say about it.
Rounding Up - December Kandria Update
2022.12.05 13:58:03This is a shorter update, as this month was primarily spent on translation and bugfixing, neither of which we can really tell you much about. If you missed last month's though, please be aware that the game will release on January 11th!
Release Date Announcement! - November Kandria Update
2022.11.15 13:51:37This update's an important one! The final release date, a new trailer, and some more announcements. Dang! Well, without further ado:
Mapping the Road to Release - October Kandria Update
2022.10.10 08:54:37So, we've been in beta for over a month and gotten lots of useful feedback. Thanks a bunch! We'll continue to listen eagerly for feedback as we move towards the end of the development.
Kandria enters beta - September Kandria Update
2022.09.07 16:46:00Kandria has finally entered beta, and the keys have been rolled out to all the Kickstarter backers of the Hunter tier and above. We've already got some good feedback in from that, and are continuing to polish the remaining areas.
Return to Development - August Kandria Update
2022.08.01 18:28:41The Kickstarter is finally well behind us, and we're back to working on the game full-time. Not that we ever really stopped working on it, mind you, but at least there's a bunch of distractions now well behind us. But, let's still quickly summarise all that went down, eh?
An Overview of Kandria's Development with Lisp
2022.07.10 07:37:37This is a short overview of the development that's gone into Kandria, the open world action RPG I've been working on in recent years.
The Kandria Kickstarter is now Live!
2022.06.14 12:00:41It's finally here, the Kickstarter for Kandria is now live! Check a look: kickstarter.com/projects/shinmera/kandria
Steam Next Fest and Kickstarter Next Week! - June Kandria Update
2022.06.06 14:21:33Okey, June is the month! The Steam Next Fest and the Kickstarter are both happening this month. Be sure you won't miss them!
Here we are, where we always were
2022.05.19 11:20:17It's been a long time since I wrote anything just for myself. There's been updates here, but they've all been either for Kandria, or of a very technical nature, to announce things to the few out there that land in the nichest of niche intersections. Thanks for reading, by the way!
Polish of the game and polish conference - May Kandria Update
2022.05.09 14:30:17Another month of polish, Kickstarter prep, more polish, and also some news on conferences! Plus, a small peek at the final boss fight. Exciting!